TNPGROUP is a firm engaged in the practice of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) such as Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents & Designs Established In 2018-2019, and has a dedicated team of expertise. ​ TNPGROUP Team has serviced clients of all sizes from different industries. The foundation of our practice is a belief that efficient service is based on commercial vision and creativity, effectively capitalizing the deep expertise and practical knowledge that specialization brings ​ Our aim is to understand the needs of our clients their business, their concerns and their goals. We strive to provide multiple options and solutions to our client before commencing any project. We believe in building and maintaining long term relationship with our clients. Our every client deserves our every best effort to provide the best possible service in the speediest and most efficient manner ​ TNPGROUP listens carefully to its clients and provides the most user friendly, unique customer orientated solutions to maximize the effectiveness of your project. We pride ourselves on our tireless work ethic and consistent and friendly communication to ensure that we ‘fine tune’ the project until such time as it meets and exceed your expectations. ​ Our forward-thinking attorneys offer a wide variety of professional experience with backgrounds in firms of Solicitors, Registered Trade Mark Attorneys and in-house legal departments. Our focus is to deliver value to our clients by understanding their issues and by looking at the wider context in which they operate. Understanding the challenges and opportunities our clients face enables us to create commercial and innovative solutions to meet their needs. ​